The changing marketplace for consumer entertainment has left many companies with flat or declining sales, with little prospect of a turnaround. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way.
Even though you may be in an area of the business, whether it be production, post-production, or distribution, that has been eroding and you have not been able to keep up with (or afford to invest in) the technological changes affecting your business… there is still time to reverse the trend and pull your company out of the mud. And, it doesn’t matter whether you are in Hollywood, Houston or Hoboken.
How to effect the BIG BOUNCE.
You need more than just new customers… what you need is a new vision of your business. A vision of what your company does; a vision of your place in the industry; a vision of who your customers are; a vision of how to attract business, and a vision of what is possible.
The biggest hurdles that most business owners’ face are their belief that change is not possible and that they can’t get there from here. There is one thing for certain. You cannot do it alone. You need a new vision and you need money. One tends to follow the other. To change any static property from its state of stasis to a new form, it takes a catalyst. Whether that is the introduction of another element, heat or cold... a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Or to quote Newton’s First Law of Motion: a body remains at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.
There are other people and companies that need your help, and in turn can help you. They need access to your customers. They need to put their cash to work. They need your special know how. They need to better serve their customers. Those strategic partnerships and investors in your business can be the catalyst for change that you are looking for. There is no shortage of money in this world. There is no shortage of work. There is no lack of demand for your services. There is only a shortage of connections.
Collaboration is your key to effecting change at your company. Upgrade your vision; open up your company to cooperation through strategic alliances; and open up your mind to the possible. That’s when you will make the Big Bounce.